Provable bounds for noise-free expectation values computed from noisy samples

Quantum computing has emerged as a powerful computational paradigm capable of solving problems beyond the reach of classical computers. However, today’s quantum computers are noisy, posing challenges to obtaining accurate results. Here, we explore the impact of noise on quantum computing, focusing on the challenges in sampling bit strings from noisy quantum computers and the implications for optimization and machine learning. We formally quantify the sampling overhead to extract good samples from noisy quantum computers and relate it to the layer fidelity, a metric to determine the performance of noisy quantum processors. Further, we show how this allows us to use the conditional value at risk of noisy samples to determine provable bounds on noise-free expectation values. We discuss how to leverage these bounds for different algorithms and demonstrate our findings through experiments on real quantum computers involving up to 127 qubits. The results show strong alignment with theoretical predictions. ...

November 1, 2024

Bounding the systematic error in quantum error mitigation due to model violation

Quantum error mitigation is a promising route to achieving quantum utility, and potentially quantum advantage in the near-term. Many state-of-the-art error mitigation schemes use knowledge of the errors in the quantum processor, which opens the question to what extent inaccuracy in the error model impacts the performance of error mitigation. In this work, we develop a methodology to efficiently compute upper bounds on the impact of error-model inaccuracy in error mitigation. Our protocols require no additional experiments, and instead rely on comparisons between the error model and the error-learning data from which the model is generated. We demonstrate the efficacy of our methodology by deploying it on an IBM Quantum superconducting qubit quantum processor, and through numerical simulation of standard error models. We show that our estimated upper bounds are typically close to the worst observed performance of error mitigation on random circuits. Our methodology can also be understood as an operationally meaningful metric to assess the quality of error models, and we further extend our methodology to allow for comparison between error models. Finally, contrary to what one might expect we show that observable error in noisy layered circuits of sufficient depth is not always maximized by a Clifford circuit, which may be of independent interest. ...

August 20, 2024

Scaling adaptive quantum simulation algorithms via operator pool tiling

Adaptive variational quantum simulation algorithms use information from a quantum computer to dynamically create optimal trial wave functions for a given problem Hamiltonian. A key ingredient in these algorithms is a predefined operator pool from which trial wave functions are constructed. Finding suitable pools is critical for the efficiency of the algorithm as the problem size increases. Here, we present a technique called operator pool tiling that facilitates the construction of problem-tailored pools for arbitrarily large problem instances. By first performing an Adaptive Derivative-Assembled Problem-Tailored Ansatz Variational Quantum Eigensolver (ADAPT-VQE) calculation on a smaller instance of the problem using a large, but computationally inefficient, operator pool, we extract the most relevant operators and use them to design more efficient pools for larger instances. We demonstrate the method here on strongly correlated quantum spin models in one and two dimensions, finding that ADAPT automatically finds a highly effective ansatz for these systems. Given that many problems, such as those arising in condensed matter physics, have a naturally repeating lattice structure, we expect the pool tiling method to be a widely applicable technique apt for such systems. ...

February 16, 2024

Adaptive, problem-tailored variational quantum eigensolver mitigates rough parameter landscapes and barren plateaus

Variational quantum eigensolvers (VQEs) represent a powerful class of hybrid quantum-classical algorithms for computing molecular energies. Various numerical issues exist for these methods, however, including barren plateaus and large numbers of local minima. In this work, we consider the Adaptive, Problem-Tailored Variational Quantum Eiegensolver (ADAPT-VQE) ansätze, and examine how they are impacted by these local minima. We find that while ADAPT-VQE does not remove local minima, the gradient-informed, one-operator-at-a-time circuit construction accomplishes two things: First, it provides an initialization strategy that can yield solutions with over an order of magnitude smaller error compared to random initialization, and which is applicable in situations where chemical intuition cannot help with initialization, i.e., when Hartree-Fock is a poor approximation to the ground state. Second, even if an ADAPT-VQE iteration converges to a local trap at one step, it can still “burrow” toward the exact solution by adding more operators, which preferentially deepens the occupied trap. This same mechanism helps highlight a surprising feature of ADAPT-VQE: It should not suffer optimization problems due to barren plateaus and random initialization. Even if such barren plateaus appear in the parameter landscape, our analysis suggests that ADAPT-VQE avoids such regions by design. ...

March 1, 2023

An entanglement-based volumetric benchmark for near-term quantum hardware

We introduce a volumetric benchmark for near-term quantum platforms based on the generation and verification of genuine entanglement across n-qubits using graph states and direct stabilizer measurements. Our benchmark evaluates the robustness of multipartite and bipartite n-qubit entanglement with respect to many sources of hardware noise: qubit decoherence, CNOT and swap gate noise, and readout error. We demonstrate our benchmark on multiple superconducting qubit platforms available from IBM (ibmq_belem, ibmq_toronto, ibmq_guadalupe and ibmq_jakarta). Subsets of n<10 qubits are used for graph state preparation and stabilizer measurement. Evaluation of genuine and biseparable entanglement witnesses we report observations of 5 qubit genuine entanglement, but robust multipartite entanglement is difficult to generate for n>4 qubits and identify two-qubit gate noise as strongly correlated with the quality of genuine multipartite entanglement. ...

September 1, 2022

Adaptive quantum approximate optimization algorithm for solving combinatorial problems on a quantum computer

The quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA) is a hybrid variational quantum-classical algorithm that solves combinatorial optimization problems. While there is evidence suggesting that the fixed form of the standard QAOA Ansatz is not optimal, there is no systematic approach for finding better Ansätze. We address this problem by developing an iterative version of QAOA that is problem tailored, and which can also be adapted to specific hardware constraints. We simulate the algorithm on a class of Max-Cut graph problems and show that it converges much faster than the standard QAOA, while simultaneously reducing the required number of CNOT gates and optimization parameters. We provide evidence that this speedup is connected to the concept of shortcuts to adiabaticity. ...

July 11, 2022

Gate-free state preparation for fast variational quantum eigensolver simulations

The variational quantum eigensolver is currently the flagship algorithm for solving electronic structure problems on near-term quantum computers. The algorithm involves implementing a sequence of parameterized gates on quantum hardware to generate a target quantum state, and then measuring the molecular energy. Due to finite coherence times and gate errors, the number of gates that can be implemented remains limited. In this work, we propose an alternative algorithm where device-level pulse shapes are variationally optimized for the state preparation rather than using an abstract-level quantum circuit. In doing so, the coherence time required for the state preparation is drastically reduced. We numerically demonstrate this by directly optimizing pulse shapes which accurately model the dissociation of H2 and HeH+, and we compute the ground state energy for LiH with four transmons where we see reductions in state preparation times of roughly three orders of magnitude compared to gate-based strategies. ...

November 27, 2021

Preparing Bethe Ansatz Eigenstates on a Quantum Computer

Several quantum many-body models in one dimension possess exact solutions via the Bethe ansatz method, which has been highly successful for understanding their behavior. Nevertheless, there remain physical properties of such models for which analytic results are unavailable and which are also not well described by approximate numerical methods. Preparing Bethe ansatz eigenstates directly on a quantum computer would allow straightforward extraction of these quantities via measurement. We present a quantum algorithm for preparing Bethe ansatz eigenstates of the spin-1/2 XXZ spin chain that correspond to real-valued solutions of the Bethe equations. The algorithm is polynomial in the number of T gates and the circuit depth, with modest constant prefactors. Although the algorithm is probabilistic, with a success rate that decreases with increasing eigenstate energy, we employ amplitude amplification to boost the success probability. The resource requirements for our approach are lower than for other state-of-the-art quantum simulation algorithms for small error-corrected devices and thus may offer an alternative and computationally less demanding demonstration of quantum advantage for physically relevant problems. ...

November 9, 2021

Preserving Symmetries for Variational Quantum Eigensolvers in the Presence of Noise

One of the most promising applications of noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers is the simulation of molecular Hamiltonians using the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE). We show that encoding symmetries of the simulated Hamiltonian in the VQE ansatz reduces both classical and quantum resources compared to other widely available ansatze. Through simulations of the H2 molecule and of a Heisenberg model on a two-dimensional lattice, we verify that these improvements persist in the presence of noise. This is done using both real IBM devices and classical simulations. We also demonstrate how these techniques can be used to find molecular excited states of various symmetries using a noisy processor. We use error-mitigation techniques to further improve the quality of our results. ...

September 1, 2021

Benchmarking Quantum Chemistry Computations with Variational, Imaginary Time Evolution, and Krylov Space Solver Algorithms

Quantum chemistry is a key application area for noisy-intermediate scale quantum (NISQ) devices, and therefore serves as an important benchmark for current and future quantum computer performance. Previous benchmarks in this field have focused on variational methods for computing ground and excited states of various molecules, including a benchmarking suite focused on the performance of computing ground states for alkali-hydrides under an array of error mitigation methods. State-of-the-art methods to reach chemical accuracy in hybrid quantum-classical electronic structure calculations of alkali hydride molecules on NISQ devices from IBM are outlined here. It is demonstrated how to extend the reach of variational eigensolvers with symmetry preserving Ansätze. Next, it is outlined how to use quantum imaginary time evolution and Lanczos as a complementary method to variational techniques, highlighting the advantages of each approach. Finally, a new error mitigation method is demonstrated which uses systematic error cancellation via hidden inverse gate constructions, improving the performance of typical variational algorithms. These results show that electronic structure calculations have advanced rapidly, to routine chemical accuracy for simple molecules, from their inception on quantum computers a few short years ago, and they point to further rapid progress to larger molecules as the power of NISQ devices grows. ...

May 7, 2021