Measurement Error Mitigation for Variational Quantum Algorithms

Variational Quantum Algorithms (VQAs) are a promising application for near-term quantum processors, however the quality of their results is greatly limited by noise. For this reason, various error mitigation techniques have emerged to deal with noise that can be applied to these algorithms. Recent work introduced a technique for mitigating expectation values against correlated measurement errors that can be applied to measurements of 10s of qubits. We apply these techniques to VQAs and demonstrate its effectiveness in improving estimates to the cost function. Moreover, we use the data resulting from this technique to experimentally characterize measurement errors in terms of the device connectivity on devices of up to 20 qubits. These results should be useful for better understanding the near-term potential of VQAs as well as understanding the correlations in measurement errors on large, near-term devices. ...

October 16, 2020

Efficient symmetry-preserving state preparation circuits for the variational quantum eigensolver algorithm

The variational quantum eigensolver is one of the most promising approaches for performing chemistry simulations using noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) processors. The efficiency of this algorithm depends crucially on the ability to prepare multi-qubit trial states on the quantum processor that either include, or at least closely approximate, the actual energy eigenstates of the problem being simulated while avoiding states that have little overlap with them. Symmetries play a central role in determining the best trial states. Here, we present efficient state preparation circuits that respect particle number, total spin, spin projection, and time-reversal symmetries. These circuits contain the minimal number of variational parameters needed to fully span the appropriate symmetry subspace dictated by the chemistry problem while avoiding all irrelevant sectors of Hilbert space. We show how to construct these circuits for arbitrary numbers of orbitals, electrons, and spin quantum numbers, and we provide explicit decompositions and gate counts in terms of standard gate sets in each case. We test our circuits in quantum simulations of the H2 and LiH molecules and find that they outperform standard state preparation methods in terms of both accuracy and circuit depth. ...

January 28, 2020